Entries by Dennis Knetsch

the status quo at ITV

We follow the guidelines and recommendations of the Federal Government and the Robert Koch Institute. Production and logistics have been switched to an adequate shift system. Your contacts from purchasing and sales work – technically fully equipped – in the home office. In short: ITV is there for you without restrictions! Your ITV team  


Inventory between December 18th 2017 and January 2nd 2018. Please note that in the period between December 18th 2017 and January 2nd 2018 our logistics department is closed and the last shipping date is December 15th 2017. We kindly advice to take this into account when planning your order. Yours sincerely ITV

Ten years of ITV Italia

Ten years of ITV Italia – or the history of a German-Italian friendship. In 2006, following a conceptual and structural development phase, the Italian branch of ITV opened in Caino, a town not far from Lake Garda. ITV Italia S.r.l. has since then acted as the sales enterprise of the German company, serving the southern […]